Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 30

Описание работы

The topicality of the work is that the word-formation in Modern English has not been studied enough from the poin of formal featurs and mainly semantics. The main aim is to study the main types of word-formation in Modern English and analyse the forming of new words in Modern English in different styles on the examples of the texts, show their semantic features and thus, to find the most productive ways of forming new words in English language..


Introduction    3
Theoretical aspect of word formation in English    4
1.1 History of word formation    4
1.2 Principles and Types of Word-Formation    10
Analysis of Word-formation in Modern English Texts    17
2.1 Neologisms and their Semantic Meaning    17
2.2 Word-formation in Modern English Texts    24
Conclusion    29
Bibliography    30



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Количество источников: 11

Цена: 3500 тг

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