Using Group Work in Senior Grades

Тип работы: Дипломная
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2016
Кол-во страниц: 86

Описание работы

This paper is designed to offer suggestions on how to use small groups in order to facili¬tate learning and instructional diversity in face to face classes. It will begin with an over¬view of the advantages and disadvantages of working in a group and then discuss some of the methods available to enhance group learning and communication. It will also provide some suggestions for evaluating and assessing group work. While many people detest the mere suggestion of group work, it can be an effective tool if used appropriately. The basic purpose of a foreign language as subject domain of school training seems in formation of communicative competence, and the group form of work is one of the most effective remedies of its formation. Also group work promotes development of all four kinds of activity, increases the number of oral practice, smoothes one of shortcomings of cool and fixed system – impossibility to give everyone pupils enough practice. In addition the group form of work brings a variety the course of a lesson and promotes motivation.


Introduction    3
1 Theoretical Aspects of Group Work in Senior Grades of Secondary School    6
1.1 Psychological Aspects of Group Work at Senior Stage    6
1.2 Role, Peculiarities and Types of Group work in Language Learning    11
1.3 Monitoring and Evaluating of Group Work Process    23
2 Analysis of Using Group Work in Senior Grades    29
2.1 Effective Exercises for Group Work in Senior Grade    29
2.2 Developing Language Skills by Means of Group Work in 10 grades    45
2.3 Analysis of Lessons and Recommendations for Effective use of Group work in Senior Grades    49
Appendices    76



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