The Problem of the Word Order Change in the Translation

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2013
Кол-во страниц: 32

Описание работы

The syntactic structure of a language imposes restrictions on the way messages may be organized in that language. The order in which functional elements such as subject, predicator, and object may occur is more fixed in some languages than in others.18 Languages vary in the extent to which they rely on word order to signal the relationship between elements in the clause. Compared to languages such as German, Russian, Finnish, Arabic, and Eskimo, word order in English is relatively fixed. The meaning of a sentence in English, and in languages with similarly fixed word order such as Chinese, often depends entirely on the order in which the elements are placed (cf. The man ate the fish and The fish ate the man). Some languages have case inflections which indicate the relation¬ship between the elements in a clause, for instance who does what to whom. In such languages, the form of a noun changes depending on its function in the clause. In Russian, both Ivan videl Borisa and Borisa videl Ivan mean 'John saw Boris', because -a marks Boris as the object, regardless of its position with respect to the subject and verb.


Introduction    3
1 Characteristics of English Word Order    5
1.1 English Word Order Development    5
1.2 The Structure of The Sentence    6
1.3 Parts of the Sentence    11
2 The Problem of the Word Order Change    16
2.1 Problem of Inversion in Word Order    16
2.2 Transposition and Substitution of the Translation of A.Miln’s Book “Winnie-the-Pooh”    23
2.3 Translation of Sandra Brown “Long Time Coming”    25
Conclusion    30
Bibliography    32



1. Dryer, Matthew S. 1992. 'The Greenbergian Word Order Correlations', Language 68: 81-138 2. Galperin I. Stylistics, M., 1971, p.260 3. Ghinsburg R. A course in modern English lexicology, M., 1966 p. 132 4. Harris Z. Papers in Structural and Transformational Linguistics, Dordrecht, 1970 p. 569 5. Kordić, Snježana (2006) [1st pub. 1997]. Serbo-Croatian. Languages of the World/Materials ; 148. Munich & Newcastle: Lincom Europa. pp. 45–46. 6. "Language Universals and linguistic typology", Bernard Comrie, 1981 7. Russel S.Tomlin;1986;Basic word order: Functional principles;London:Croom Helm 8. William Strung The Elements of Style, New-York, 1970, p. 661 9. Бархударов Л. Язык и перевод. Вопросы общей и частной теории перевода, М., 1975, с. 191 10. Комиссаров В., Кораллова Л. Практикум по переводу с английского языка на русский, М., 1990, с. 97 11. Комиссаров В.Слово о переводе, М., 1973 с. 89

Количество источников: 19

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