The morphological structure of English language and word-building means in English

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 39

Описание работы

The term morphology is Greek and is a makeup of morph- meaning 'shape, form', and -ology which means 'the study of something'. The term is used not only in linguistics but also in biology as the scientific study of forms and structure of animals and plants, and in geology as the study of formation and evolution of rocks and land forms. We are going to stick to morphology in linguistics, as the scientific study of forms and structure of words in a language. Morphology as a sub-discipline of linguistics was named for the first time in 1859 by the German linguist August Schleicher who used the term for the study of the form of words. Today morphology forms a core part of linguistics. Words are divisible into smaller meaningful units which are called morphemes. All morphemes fall into two large classes: roots and affixes. Affixes, in their turn, are subdivided into prefixes, which precede the root (as in re-read), and suffixes, which follow the root (as in teach-er). There also exist infixes (as n in stand), but they are not productive in English. Root morphemes carry the lexical meaning of the word. Affixational morphemes fall into derivational morphemes, which carry the lexico-grammatical meaning and serve to form new words, and functional morphemes having grammatical meaning (inflexions). Lexicology deals only with roots and derivational affixes, while inflexions are studied by grammar. Root and derivational morphemes constitute the stem of the word.


1.1 A word and its parts: roots, affixes and their shapes 5
1.2 Classification of word-building means 13
1.3 The morphological structure of a word. Morphemes. Types of Morphemes. Allomorphs 17
2.1 The valency of affixes and stems. Word-building patterns and their meaning 22
2.2 Word-building Peculiarities of Linguistic Contamination 28



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