The influence of the Great Vowel Shift on the development of Modern English

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2013
Кол-во страниц: 28

Описание работы

Though the vowel shift has been a focal point of scholarly interest among English language specialists for over a century, exactly what happened is not a great deal clearer now than it was when Ellis (1869-1889), Luick (1921, 1896), Jespersen (1922- 1942), Zachrisson (1913), and Wyld (1920, 1927) assembled the data in such a way as to make it fairly apparent just what sort of phenomena needed to be explained. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of the Great Vowel Shift on the development of Modern English. In order to achieve our aim we put following tasks: • To consider the history of English language from I century B.C. to modern English period; • To give general explanation about the Great vowel Shift; • To study the influence of the Great Vowel Shift on the development of Modern English. The subject of this research is the Great Vowel Shift. The object is the influence of the Great Vowel Shift on the development of Modern English. The course paper consists of Introduction, 2 Chapters, Conclusion and Bibliography.


Chapter I The initial stage of development of the English language    5
1.1 The English vocabulary in the Old English period    5
1.2 The English vocabulary in the Middle English period    10
1.3 The English vocabulary in the Modern English period    13
Chapter II The influence of the Great Vowel Shift on the development of Modern English    16
2.1 General explanations about Great Vowel Shift    16
2.2 The Great Vowel Shift and its influence on Modern English    21



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Количество источников: 22

Цена: 3000 тг

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