Scientific adviser m.p.s. senior teacher:Davletova S.E.

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2016
Кол-во страниц: 20

Описание работы

The core texts regarding the chapters on Cockney will be the Gimson’s Pronunciation of English, Josef Vachek’s Some Geographical Varieties of Present-Day English, and, for the historical part, Matthews’ Cockney Past and present. Phonetic transcriptions of Cockney pronunciation could not have been done without consulting Eva Sivertsen’s Cockney Phonology. The aim of the research is to consider the Cockney dialect in English language.


Introduction    3
1 The formation of English language and its dialects    5
1.1 History of English language    5
1.2 Variants of English in the United Kingdom and local dialects    10
2 General information about Cockney and its pronunciation    14
2.1 General information about Cockney    14
2.2 Pronunciation of Cockney Dialect    16
Conclusion    19
Bibliography    20



1. Hornby A.S. “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English”, Oxford Un. Press - 1996Encyclopedia Britannica CD 2000 Deluxe Edition 2. Anthony Stanforth W., 2002:’Effects of language contacton the vocabulary: an overview’. Berlin/ New York, 2002-p966. 3. Gimson A.C. “An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”, Lnd - 1981 4. Ginzburg R. S., Khidekel S. S., Knyazeva G. Y., Sankin A. A. “A course in modern English lexicology” 5. Аракин В.Д. “История английского языка”, М. – 1985 6. Дубенец Э.М., Modern English Lexicology. Theory and Practice.-M.-2002(98-122) 7. Hornby A.S. “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English”, Oxford Un. Press - 1996Encyclopedia Britannica CD 2000 Deluxe Edition 8. Roach, P. (2002). The Little Encyclopaedia of Phonetics. Retrieved from 9. Gimson, A. C. (1994). Gimson's Pronunciation of English. (Fifth ed.). London: Arnold.

Количество источников: 9

Цена: 3500 тг

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