Influence of French loan words after the Norman Conquest

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2014
Кол-во страниц: 27

Описание работы

The main aim of the research is to study the influence of French loan words after the Norman Conquest. The aim has identified the following tasks of the research: • to consider historical background of origin of English in Old English, Middle English and Modern English; • to investigate borrowings from French language in Middle English; • to analyze vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar of French loan words in the Middle English. The novelty of the research are the impact of historical events on the development of English vocabulary is studied; studied role of borrowings in the development of English vocabulary. The methods of investigation: Method of comparison: This method is used in drawing similarities and differences between the theories taken from various investigations. Demonstration method: Some authentic materials are presented with the help of this method. The structure of the course work is Introduction, two chapters, Conclusion, Bibliography.


Introduction    3
In Chapter two, we have analysed influence of French loan words after the Norman Conquest    4
Chapter I The initial stage of development of the English language    5
1.1    The English vocabulary in the Old English period    5
1.2 The English vocabulary in the Middle English period    10
1.3 The English vocabulary in the Modern English period    13
Chapter II Analysis of influence of French loan words after the Norman Conquest    17
2.1 Analysis of borrowings from the French language in Middle English    17
2.2 Vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar of French loan words in Middle English    20
Conclusion    24
Bibliography    25
Appendix A    26
Appendix B    27


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Количество источников: 22

Цена: 3000 тг

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