Using internet audiovideo conferencing in TFL

Тип работы: Дипломная
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2016
Кол-во страниц: 64

Описание работы

ВУЗ: КазГЮУ The topicality of the work is in that computer and online conferencing come to education more and more nowadays but not all the schools and teachers have a possibility to work properly with them as there is lack of appropriate technology equipment or teachers cannot use them. So this work can show how to use the internet audio/video conferencing in teaching foreign languages at different stages of teaching a foreign language. The aim of the work is to investigate the using audio/video conferencing in teaching a foreign language.


Introduction    4
1 Using new technologies in teaching foreign language    7
1.1 Internet audio/video conferencing    7
1.2 Types of audio/video conferencing    17
1.3 Integrating internet conferencing into teaching    23
2 Practical usage of audio/video conferencing    37
2.1 Audio/video conferencing at elementary level    37
2.2 Audio/video conferencing at advanced level    50
Conclusion    63
Bibliography    65



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