The peculiarities of translating phraseological units denoting numerals

Тип работы: Дипломная
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 60

Описание работы

The actuality of this research is defined by the fact that researches of certain groups of phraseological units have been carried out mainly within the Anglo-Russian and Russian-Kazakh phraseology community, but the research of these languages at the level of phraseology system while comparing two languages are poorly studied. Up to the present day phraseological units in the Kazakh language have been little subjected to a special study. This paper have carried out a comparative analysis of translation of phraseological units from English into Kazakh languages. The aim of this research is to analyze the translation of praseological units from English into Kazakh. In order to achieve the aim, we've set the following objectives: 1) To consider the general theory on phraseology units, as well as the linguistic peculiarities of numbers; 2) To study phraseological units concerning numerals; 3) To analyze translation peculiarities of phraseological units denoting numerals from English into Kazakh. The object of the paper is phraseological units of English and Kazakh languages. The subject is the translation of praseological units from English into Kazakh.


Abbreviations    4
Introduction    6
1 The general information on phraseology unit and their translation    10
1.1 Theory on phraseology units and their types    10
1.2  The linguistic peculiarities of numbers    26
1.3 Difficulties of translating phraseological units    32
2 Analysis of translation of phraseological units from English to Kazakh    39
2.1  Phraseological units concerning numerals    39
2.2 Translation peculiarities of phraseological units denoting numerals from English into Kazakh    49
Conclusion    57
Bibliography    60



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