Development of the Modern English language

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 34 стр

Описание работы

Actuality. Unlike the borderline between the ancient times and the Old English Period (OEP), and the borderline between the OEP and the Middle English period (MEP) when there some cataclysms, battles and so on, the borderline between the MEP and the NEP is not so historically marked. There were no cataclysms, nevertheless some very important events and particular events took place in the country and new conditions came into play. As early as the 13th century within the feudal system new economic relations began to take shape. The villains were gradually superseded by copy-holders (пожизненные арендаторы). New industries and trade began to develop; new crafts appeared and these very new crafts began to be separated from agriculture. Together with the decay of the feudal system, the development of new relations within the feudal system, the development of new industries and crafts new social groups into being: artisans, rich merchants, owners of workshops, money lenders - they were typical of the capitalist system. It couldn’t but change the situation in the country in all its spheres. The most crucial periods were the 15th and the 16th centuries. A new mode of production developed rapidly, new industries sprang into existence. The development of industry required new resources and new markets. So it was a period of great projects, of great maritime projects. All this changes influenced the cultural situation in the country: different regions of the country, which had been isolated before, were brought together through commerce, transportation, trade. It stimulated the necessity to have greater contacts and a uniform language. The aim of the course paper is to study the development of the Modern English language. The objectives are: 1. To consider short history of the English language; 2. To study borrowings in the Modern English language; 3. To examine linguistic characteristics of the Modern English language.


Introduction    3
Chapter 1 General background of the history of English Language    4
1.1 The English vocabulary in the Old English period    4
1.2 The English vocabulary in the Middle English period    9
1.3 The English vocabulary in the Modern English period    12
Chapter 2 Development of the Modern English language    16
2.1 Borrowings in the Modern English language    16
2.2 Linguistic features of the Modern English language    22
Conclusion    33
Bibliography    34



1. Аракин В.Д. “История английского языка”, М. – 1985 2. Allen B.H., Linn M.D. “Dialect and language variation”, Orlando – 1986 3. Brook G.L. “Varieties of English”, Lnd - 1977 4. Маковский М.М. “Английская диалектология. Современные английские диалекты Великобритании”. М. - 1980Crystal D. “The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language”, Cambridge - 1995. 5. Encyclopedia Britannica CD 2000 Deluxe Edition 6. Crystal D. “The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language”, Cambridge - 1995 7. Бродович О.И. “Диалектная вариативность английского языка: аспекты теории”, Л.- 1988

Количество источников: 16

Цена: 3000 тг

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