Branch of learning: Methodic.

Тип работы: Курсовая
Предмет: Английский
Год защиты: 2011
Кол-во страниц: 38

Описание работы

The word «noun» comes from the Latin «nomen» meaning «name». Word classes like nouns were first described by Sanskrit grammarian Painini and ancient Greeks like Dionysios Thrax, and defined in terms of their morphological properties. For example, in Ancient Greece, nouns can be inflected for grammatical case, such as dative or accusative. The subject of this research is the evolution of gender of nouns. Object of study is noun, its history and evolution of its gender in particular. The aim of the research is to study evolution of gender of English nouns. In this connection we mach the following tasks:  to give definition to the term «noun».  to study different types of gender.  to describe evolution of gender of English nouns.  to analyze the formation and meaning of gender.


    Introduction    3-6
1    Main features of English nouns    6 - 6
1.1    Morphological characteristics of nouns    6 - 10
1.2    Syntactical characteristics of nouns    10 – 12
1.3    Semantical characteristics of nouns    12 - 15
1.4    Characteristics of nouns due the way of their composition    12 - 15
2    Evolution of gender of nouns    17 - 17
2.1    Development and historical view of nouns - gender    17 - 21
2.2    Modern view of gender and its forming    21 - 26
2.3    Masculine, Feminine gender    26 - 28
2.4    Common, Neuter gender    28 - 33
    Conclusion    33 - 35
    Bibliography    35 - 37
    Appendix A: Formation of compound nouns    37 - 37


1. Каушанская В.Л. Грамматика английского языка. Перевод. - М., 1993 2. Kaushanskaya Е.А. A Grammar of the English Language (practice book) – М., Prosveshcheniye. 2007 3. Ganshina B.A. and Vasilevskaya N.A. English Grammar. - М., 2003 4. Khaimovich B.S., Rogovskaya B.I. A Course in English Grammar.- М., 2006 5. Воронцова Г. Н. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. - М.,, 2000

Количество источников: 37

Цена: 2000 тг

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